Food Preservation & Storage
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(And How To Do It...What To Store)
Fumigation Of Grains, Etc...
To insure that you have a good food storage program, various methods have been devised to keep down spoilage and bug infestation. A number of methods exist for storing staples such as wheat, oats, rice, rye, barley, corn, pasta, popcorn, and grains in general.
Remember! The higher the oil content, the greater care you must employ for temperature conditions. Store your perishables in a cool, dry place (60–70 degrees; 40–60 is even better) and fumigate against bug deterioration and oxygen spoilage.
Oxygen will attack the oils in your basic staples rendering them unsuitable for consumption, not to mention the bad taste and offensive–smelling compounds formed in the foods. It creates rancidity (lipid peroxidation), which can be dangerous to your health. You must remove the oxygen present in the storage containers. There are several ways to do this by replacing the oxygen with an inert gas—one that does not react with the oils in whole foods. We will illustrate two of the ways that we like best and that are cost effective.
The moisture present in food storage, if not removed and/or controlled can foster microbial growth, and bring about hydrolysis of polyunsaturated fats generating rancidity. Reactive oxygen species generated during the breakdown of lipid hydroperoxides can react with sensitive amino acids containing sulphydryl and amide groupings reducing protein nutritive content. And prior to the free radicals generated, the secondary intermediary products formed (aldehydes, ketones, and epoxides) during the generation of those free radicals, can react with amino acids in proteins in your foodstuffs and reduce the nutritive value therein. Aldehydes, ketones, and epoxides also react with vitamins C, A, and beta carotene reducing their antioxidant content in your body. These intermediary peroxidation products can also react with sulphydryl or amide groups, reducing the potency on those vitamins that have those groupings, such as niacinamide. Reread this paragraph and get a firm grasp of it. This is part of the Killing Mechanism coming to this planet! It will be discussed in a future Update.
This is why, for food storage, we like storing white rice and flour as opposed to whole wheat flour and brown rice—the latter two have oils that can go bad, causing you to destroy some of your whole grain supplies. The white rice and flour have the oils milled out of them. If you want whole wheat anything, store the wheat berries as given below and grind weekly for freshness only as you use the oil bearing grains up.
To avoid this complication from bugs and/or rancidity of oils going bad in your storage program, follow the instructions below for all types of basic staples—whole or refined.
For wheat storage, we highly recommend the Red Hard Winter Seed variety. Whole wheat comes in what is known as "Wheat Berries." The hard variety is easier to mill or grind. The Red Hard Winter Seed is higher in protein quality too.
Again, you need to make sure your grains (wheat, oats, rice, rye, barley, corn) are fumigated to keep out weevils, which are little bugs and worms.
They get into your food supply that you build yourself from staples from your grocer by the very fact that even though white flour, for instance is processed; insects and bugs are everywhere and lay their eggs in the processed product.
When you open your food staples in a year, you may find additional protein moving about in the flour. This may be unesthetic, but it is not dangerous to your health, and we plan to cook 'em up in the biscuits or whatever we make with the white flour.
If this bothers you, then there are ways to fumigate for bugs such that when they hatch, there is no oxygen or moisture present for them to live. This also helps with oils in foods, to stop or reduce the rancidity via oxidation that the oils can undergo, spoiling those foods you store. But weevils may be there. Other foods may have too much oil in them and break down too rapidly. Use the below methods for oil–containing foods, but store in a cool, dark, dry place for longer shelf life.
White flour or white rice may be stored in their original package(s) in your storage containers if air and moisture can be freely exchanged from food package to container, using the methods below also. Weevils will be deprived of life–giving oxygen.
If you store your food in plastic pails, make sure they are food–grade. Other plastics are made with chemicals that are not good for your health and leech out into your stored food. We also suggest you get Mylar metalized bags. They come in six–gallon sizes, strong, and food–grade. They are metalized, non–porous and prevent light or moisture entry. Do not use plastic garbage bags. They have chemicals in them not good for your health and impart an off–taste to the food stored there.
We highly recommend, to control moisture and oxygen, that you add desiccants and oxygen–absorber packets to the food in the Mylar sack before you seal it. This will absorb oxygen, leaving a nitrogen environment, and will remove moisture, in effect, giving you a nitrogen–vacuum–packed package of food without the extra expense of buying a vacuum and canning machine.
Seal the sacks, when full of the food(s) you intend to store, with an ordinary hot iron set just at the beginning of the Wool Setting.
When you look at your finished product(s) in a few days, you will have discovered, that by using the Mylar sacks (metalized sacks that can be sealed), Oxygen Absorbers, and Desiccants, you have vacuum packed your food!
Micro-organism Consideration
In food storage of bulk foods, you must also consider micro–organism contamination. All micro–organisms require carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen in one form or another. If any one of these elements are missing in their diet, or they are unable to convert the food into an element needed by their chemistry, they cannot grow and multiply, and may die.
If they don't die, they remain in a vegetative state (non–sporulating) and await the opportunity to grow and multiply again. As soon as one of the elemental substances is made available, then they start growth and reproduction. This is why when you open your food storage, air, moisture, and bugs are now made available to them—they become unvegetative and commence growing. You want to cook your food thoroughly if it is not used quickly enough.
Sporulating micro–organisms can go into and remain in a suspended animation state for decades without food, awaiting their opportunity to become active when food is present again. Once carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen are present that they can use, they can begin growth or germination.
Moisture Considerations for Micro-organisms
The food you store needs to be desiccated or dried also. Micro–organisms need moisture. By drying foods, you have eliminated one of the key substances for microbials to germinate. Drying was used since the days of the Bible. It prevents food spoilage from bacteria. For instance, powdered milk and eggs, beef jerky, prunes, and raisins.
This is also the reason high sugar and salt concentrations have been used to cure meat and make jams and jellies—it preserves foods. It removes moisture, whereupon bacteria are inhibited or destroyed.
Without moisture, food cannot diffuse through the micro–organism's semi–permeable membrane and the growth of the bacterium ceases. Those organisms especially susceptible to drying or desiccation are the vegetative ones. Spores, however, are generally not harmed.
Controlling moisture is a good way to control microbial growth, but do not rely upon it for killing living organisms. This is why you want to cook your food thoroughly after removing it from storage. Through drying, you reduce the growth and number of microbials, but may not destroy them all.
If you use the original packaging, then punch holes in it before inserting the original into the Mylar sacks. Better, empty package contents directly into the Mylar bags. Either way, you need to do this so oxygen and moisture can be absorbed by the oxygen absorber packets and the desiccants.
- Dry Ice Method (frozen carbon dioxide):
- Spread some of your grains on the bottom of a food–plastic pail or in Mylar liner bags if placing in plastic tote or garbage can. Add 1/4 to 1/2 pound of dry ice for each 100 lbs. of grain to the food–grade plastic pail or Mylar bag.
- Then pour in the rest of the grain.
- Place the lid on the container loosely, but do not seal it for one hour. You can wait up to 5 – 6 hours before snapping the lid on tightly. If you seal it too soon, an explosion could occur, placing grain everywhere. In my family, after snapping the lid in place, we originally sealed around the lid edges with melted paraffin wax and duct tape. We used large new 33–gallon metal garbage cans; lined them with large plastic bags (this was 30 years ago; we now know regular plastic bags are not the best for your health. At that time, Mylar was not available) then apply the immediate above.
Or, you can get food–grade plastic containers with lids, then apply the dry ice. We currently use Mylar metalized bags, oxygen absorbers, and desiccants, and seal with a hot iron. Then, just place in a protective storage container.
- Oxygen Absorbing Packets Method. If the above seems like too much work for you, then order oxygen absorber packets from Nitro-Pak, (1-800-866-4876) or Emergency Essentials (1–800–999–1863. Mylar metalized bags can also be ordered from both companies. The bags are more economical from Major Surplus & Survival, 1–800–441–8855. You will need desicants to remove moisture. Just add one or two when you add the oxygen absorber packets.
Desicants can ordered
Oxygen absorber packets
can be ordered from Major Surplus & Survival.
These amazing oxygen absorber packets have totally revolutionized the storage food industry. It used to be that home storage was nearly impossible to do without expensive vacuum packing machines and welder–sized bottles of nitrogen to flush the oxygen out. Not any more. These new U.S. Military Spec packets will remove up to 99.9 percent of the residual oxygen from sealed containers and leave an optimal nitrogen atmosphere—an inert gas, which is what you want.
With the oxygen removed, storage foods keep their freshness, and nutritional value much, longer.
- Fill your container nearly full and place on top of the product the oxygen absorbing packets; seal immediately—no need to wait.
- One (1g) oxygen absorbing packet per one (1) gallon bucket. Thus, for a 10–gallon bucket, you would use 10 oxygen absorbing packets. It's that simple!
- By ordering from food storage companies, A and B are already done for you. However, having a little extra is to be on the safe side and is good for bartering.
- You can tailor more to your needs this way at less cost, and now is the time to learn to eat the foods you store and store the foods you eat.
- This is especially important for your children.
- Don't wait for the Chastisement to try and learn or teach your children to eat different foods, or yourself. Now is the time to do it.
- Desiccants. Before sealing up your bulk food in Mylar Bags, we highly suggest placing a desiccant in with the oxygen absorbers. Now, you have controlled oxygen and moisture in your food storage program. You have eliminated the two most important things that insects, bugs, and micro-organisms need to survive. Your stored food will last longer and taste fresher when you do this.
- Sealing The Prepared Mylar Sacks. After placing prepared food, oxygen absorbers, and desiccants in Mylar metalized liners, press as much remaining air out as possible, having at least 6 to 8 inches of bag lip left. First: Take a damp paper towel and wipe along the insides of the lips to be sealed, removing any flour, etc. Wipe on the outside too. Then, take a preheated iron set just at the beginning of the "wool" setting; place bag lip lengthwise along top of a board as long and as wide as the Mylar edges (lip). Run the hot iron steadily over 1– inch inwards from the outside lengthwise, slowly, sealing the Mylar sack. Turn sack over and repeat on the reverse side.
In a few days, when you look at your preservation products, the Mylar bag, should be somewhat to much, sucked in, as the oxygen absorbers and dessicants are doing their job—the remaining air that did not get pushed out as you pressed air pockets, containing oxygen and moisture, out prior to sealing, has been absorbed and sucked in leaving a crinkled appearance. You have done your job well. And now can feel rest assured that your family has been provided for in the coming harsh times ahead.
ChembioUpdate will not be writing anymore about this. There are plenty of "foolish virgins" out there depending on family and friends to provide for them. Our last advice on this:
For Six–gallon size metallized (Mylar) liners/sacks
for buckets or even placing in plastic totes or garbage cans with lids, Major Surplus & Survival has the best prices.
Freeze-Dried Storage Foods
With natural disasters occurring more frequently, such as earthquakes, floods, and droughts, an emergency food storage is added insurance for peace of mind and gives one time to make sensible decisions without the added tensions of having no food when our fragile food distribution lines are interrupted.
This can occur with strikes, a total stock market collapse, or just getting laid off your job. When an emergency happens of this magnitude, then you are better equipped to make decisions not having to worry about feeding your family. In a major disaster, the first three days are, according to Civil Defense Management Teams, the most critical.
72-Hour Preparedness
You need two items: Water and food stored for 72 hours. All emergency defense management systems have learned that it takes 72 hours at least before a rescue team can get to you in most emergency situations. This can occur in hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and a host of other dire circumstances our planet is undergoing with increasing frequency. However, since FEMA laid a goose egg during the last two disasters with Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, be prepared for much...much longer!
Water Preparedness
You also need water stored for at least 2 weeks; 2 gallons per day per individual on your premises. You can get by, according to the U. S. National Civil Defense on 14 gallons for a two–week period.
That's a gallon a day per individual; but this goes for just drinking and cooking; two quarts for drinking and two quarts for cooking every day for two-weeks for each individual in your household. Some can be used for minor washing—such as tooth brushing and face washing.
To make life more pleasant and viable, the National Civil Defense now recommends 14 gallons per week, per individual. This is metered out as follows:
- Two quarts per day per individual for drinking. That's 8, 8-ounce glasses per day.
- Two quarts per day per individual for cooking.
- Four quarts per day for brushing teeth; washing body and necessary clothes.
In matters of food, it is highly recommended you have, at the very least, food storage for three months and water for two weeks.
Long–Term Preparedness
However, because of what is coming our way—if you have read the material in this document, then you are better advised to have food now for two to six years stored.
Many top financial advisors and survivalists in their books and newsletters were advising one year as recently as last year. Now, they, and we, too, advise for two years. This will be a long hard siege with little respite in store for us for nearly that many months.
Freeze-Dried Storage Foods
For variety and entrees, we have chosen Mountain House Foods. They are convenient and offer real meat in their packing and not just supplemental proteins that are combined to give you complete proteins such as beans and rice.
In an emergency, you need prepared foods and entrees that are ready to eat. Remember! In the Coming Chastisement (which includes disruption of our fragile food supply lines, earthquakes, droughts, floods, ice storms, world-wide total collapse of our financial market…), you will need to have a food storage program in effect for two years or more.
We also need to be reminded God said through His Holy Seers for over 16 centuries now—"Have food and water on hand for The Three Days' Darkness" He is also going to send us. This may be The Galactic Plane we are now into. It may take the Solar System that long or short to traverse the Radial Center of Milky Way Galaxy, in which total Darkness could come about as we enter into a very cloudy, turbulent arm of Orion of the galaxy.
You want not only foods in your food storage program that you prepare from grains such as wheat, oats, rice, rye, barley, and corn; or lentils and other legumes (beans, peas, nuts).
But you want milk and egg ingredients too, along with other food stuffs. You also need food entrees that add variety to eating, such as Rice & Chicken; Spaghetti w/Meat & Sauce; Sweet & Sour Pork w/Rice; Hearty Stew w/Beef, and entrees whereby all you do is add hot or cold water—foods that need little or no cooking to save on fuel under temporary, harsh conditions.
You want convenient, already prepared meals that take little or no preparation except adding hot or cold water—especially if you have to run from the Great Comet prophesied for centuries to come. Virgin Mary said at Fŕtima in 1917, "Fire will fall from heaven and mingle with fire from earth," for those of you who are into prophecy.
Having this convenience makes life much more tolerable when there is no fuel or available food for several weeks or even longer, if you have to leave an area. You can carry single serving, prepared entrees with you.
Mountain House freeze-dried foods went to the Moon and are still used by NASA on Space Shuttle missions today. They are also are one of the few companies that have government food contracts with the U. S. Department of Agriculture for freeze drying real meats.
Mountain House is one of the major brands used to fill the U.S. Military's freeze-dried food contracts. The military no longer eats the foods it used to eat under combat field conditions during W.W.II. The foods are tasty, nutritious, and offer wide variety for today's military personnel.
History of Mountain House
Oregon Freeze Dry, the parent company of Mountain House, was incorporated in 1963, when they began drying fruit for a General Foods cereal. Later, they worked with the Department of Defense to develop and produce military rations that tasted better, weighed less, and were easier to prepare than canned rations.
By the early 1970's, they were marketing their own Mountain House line of freeze-dried foods for outdoor recreational use. In the 1980's, the Company grew rapidly as they began to manufacture private label packaged food products, and expanded their food ingredient line.
Why Choose Freeze-Dried Foods?
- Compared to Canned and Dehydrated Foods:
- Dehydrated and canned foods are shelf-stable, but high temperature processing can degrade flavor, texture and nutritional content.
- Taste advantage—have a better taste and flavor over canned and dehydrated foods.
- Freeze–Dried retains the taste, texture, shape and appearance and color of fresh frozen foods.
- Locks in freshness, vitamins, color, nutrients, and aroma of fresh frozen foods while providing shelf-stable convenience of canned and dehydrated foods.
- Freeze–dried foods can be stored at room temperature, without deterioration or spoilage. This is because freeze-drying and packaging remove both water and oxygen—the two primary causes of food deterioration. However, we suggest you store foods in a cool environ ment.
- Convenient—little or no cooking. Completely prepared and mixed ingredients (entrees).
- The Freeze-Drying Process:
- Fresh or cooked foods are flash frozen, then placed in a vacuum chamber.
- Approximately 98% of the food's moisture is drawn off by sublimation of the ice, at temperatures as low as -50 degrees F. The food now weighs 75-90% less. For example, 4 lbs. of fresh cut corn after freeze-drying weighs just 1 pound.
If the foods are pouched prepared, just add water and eat! For the meat, just cover them in warm water for 15 – 30 minutes; then sear on each side for a few minutes, or cook your favorite way. The are then ready to eat. They come in #10 size cans with instructions printed on can for preparing of all their entrees; or, in Convenient Preparation Pouches (eat out of the pouch) that are compact and lightweight. These are stable for 3 – 5 years. This is dependent upon storage conditions.
- The freeze-dried food is sealed in moisture-and-oxygen proof packaging, to ensure freshness until opened.
- When the water is replaced, the food regains its original fresh flavor, aroma, texture, and appearance.
- With precooked food that is freeze–dried, just add warm or hot water, and eat right out of the pouch.
- Companies That Carry Freeze–Dried Foods:
- Nitro–Pak: 1-800-866-4876, or
- Emergency Essentials: 1–800–999–1863.
We have said in other Updates, extensively, on various foods you should be prepared with, such as oils, powder proteins, dehydrated butter, sour cream, cream cheese, cheeses, peanut butter, coconut oil, and so forth. We will not repeat this here. You can get the latter from Nitro–Pak and Emergency Essentials.
ChembioUpdate Will Not Write Anymore on Food Preservation and Storage, Except To Send A Video On The Above To Its Registered Members.
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